What Causes Limerence?

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What Causes Limerence?

Limerence is a life-dominating experience of extreme romantic obsession. It is characterized by intense desire for reciprocated affection from a specific person and often includes frequent mood swings between euphoria and despair. While the term limerence is not yet widely known, the experience is likely familiar to you, someone you know, or at least a fictional character you have seen portrayed in the media.

This is the third of a series of 4 webinars that will explain what limerence is (and isn’t) and how you can come alongside someone who is experiencing it.

In this webinar, we will discuss:
+ Progression of an episode of limerence

+ Historical figures and fictional characters who exhibited limerent behaviors
+ Causal factors of limerence including

   o Society and popular culture
   o Childhood trauma

Register now and attend live or watch the replay on demand.
Presentation by
Rachel Wood, Founder of Lord Over Limerence

Lord Over Limerence is a ministry organization dedicated to helping those impacted by limerence, person addiction and unrequited love find peace, healing, freedom and sufficiency in Christ. Learn more at lordoverlimerence.org.

30 minutes

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